November 2022

November rocked. That’s it, that’s the vibe. Sixteen days in the field helped ward off those early winter blues, some interesting weather ensured that there was always something to lift the spirits locally. As I walked along the narrow grass strip between the horse paddocks and ash lagoon fence on 1st almost the first birdContinue reading “November 2022”

October 2022

I skirted around a few sites in my 10km loop to the east and north on 4th. Bothal Pond held a single 1st-winter Greater Scaup and 77 Pink-feet flew south. The ringed adult Hooded Crow was around Ellington Wind Farm again whilst 200 Pink-feet were in fields at North Linton Farm. One of the adultContinue reading “October 2022”

June/July 2022

The first half of June was exceptionally quiet for me on the birding front, a couple of Newbiggin seawatches that produced two Arctic Skuas on 7th and then a summer-plumaged Black Guillemot on the sea on 14th was as good as it got. The latter was the first I’ve had on the sea here andContinue reading “June/July 2022”

April/May 2022

April kicked off on the beach at Newbiggin with a couple of Black Redstarts on the old war defences just north of the point. Further up the beach five littoralis Rock Pipits on the wrack on south side of Beacon Point and a count of 106 Sanderling on the beach. Highlights over the next fewContinue reading “April/May 2022”

January 2022

Fresh start, clean slate, new lists, optimism, despite working for my 13th consecutive New Year’s Day, all of the aforementioned are bouncing around my head from the moment dawn breaks. There’s never much actual birding on 1st for me, whatever scraps I happen to notice during periodic glances out the office window and the lastContinue reading “January 2022”

December 2021

Evening has fallenThe swans are singingThe last of Sundays bells is ringingThe wind in the trees is sighingAnd old england is dying Possibly the month I like least in any year, too much to do, not enough daylight to do it in, too many competing needs from too many people and too much darkness (metaphoricallyContinue reading “December 2021”

November 2021

November is not the month to put your feet up and relax, whilst the onset of darker nights makes it more difficult to squeeze in birding opportunities it’s most definitely worth making the effort. Newbiggin on a bright shiny Monday morning on the first day of a bright shiny new month found me full ofContinue reading “November 2021”

October 2021

It was easy to tell it was October as the grumbling of many birders became louder as days of west/south-west winds offered little quality (at least on the mainland). Despite the apparent poor state of affairs I’m not going to complain, I continue to do most of my birding within a few clicks of theContinue reading “October 2021”